Bryce CummockBuilding “The Better Store” an agile cloud-native ecommerce system on AWS — Part 3: Defining DDD…Part Two of Building the Better Store described the use of DDD Strategic Patterns as tools for tackling complex requirements for a…Aug 27, 20231Aug 27, 20231
InAIA Singapore Technology BlogbySandesh GaonkarRefactor if/elseif/elseif using Strategy Design PatternStrategy Design pattern enables an algorithm’s behavior to be selected at runtime. The patternNov 8, 202231Nov 8, 202231
InKlarna EngineeringbyWaleed AshrafDistributed Systems — Key Concepts & PatternsIf you are working in a modern tech company, you must have come across the term, “Distributed Systems”. In this blog post, I’ll go through…Jan 17, 20231Jan 17, 20231
InTDS ArchivebyHarrison HoffmanA Real-Time Streaming Project with Smartphone DataConsume and Process Smartphone Sensor Data with FastAPI, Kafka, QuestDb, and DockerDec 23, 20224Dec 23, 20224
Mika TalConcurrent Web Crawler Using GoLecture 2, MIT 6.824 Distributed SystemsSep 20, 20221Sep 20, 20221
InBetter ProgrammingbyChunting WuReducing Database LoadingThree approaches to improve database elasticitySep 12, 2022Sep 12, 2022
InITNEXTbyCodejitsuRate limiting with leaky bucket algorithmLearn how to implement a rate limiter which is one of the most used patterns in distributed systems in Go with generics & channelsJun 18, 20221Jun 18, 20221
InBetter ProgrammingbydtmHow to Ensure the Consistency Between Redis and DatabaseAn in-depth guide to staying connectedJun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
InSchibsted engineeringbyMarcin KasprowiczUltimate Terraform project structureThe search for the ultimate folder structure for a given project can be compared to the search for the holy grail. It does not matter if it…Jul 25, 20228Jul 25, 20228
aditya goelInfinite Horizontal Scalability with Redis ClusterWelcome to this blog. If you are coming here directly, it’s highly recommended to read through this story first. We shall be looking at…Jun 18, 20222Jun 18, 20222
InCognizant ServianbyBryce CummockBuilding “The Better Store” — a Global, Resilient and Agile Cloud-Native ECommerce System using…OverviewJul 30, 2022Jul 30, 2022
InGojek Product + TechbyRohan LekhwaniIntroducing Skynet: Infrastructure as Code for GojekHundreds of microservices supported by an equally strong cloud infrastructure provisioning strategy: Skynet’s here!Aug 2, 20221Aug 2, 20221
Sandeep VermaMicroservices — How coarse or small a microservice should be ?In my previous blog i discussed factors influencing migration of an app from monolith to microservices architecture. In this blog we will…Sep 20, 20201Sep 20, 20201
Sandeep VermaMonolithic to MicroservicesMicroservices recently has grabbed lot of attention and pace. Microservices architecture promises to deliver agility to whole development…Sep 13, 20201Sep 13, 20201
Sandeep VermaSystem Design : Scalable URL shortener service like TinyURLThe goal of this article is to discuss system design of services like , tinyurl , t.c o etc. Innumerable articles are present on…May 5, 202125May 5, 202125
Abhijit MondalSystem Design — Google MapsDesign the routing engine for Google MapsApr 11, 20221Apr 11, 20221
InDNA TechnologybyMateusz JadczykWhy we dropped event sourcing with Kafka Streams when given a second chanceRead how why we switched from event sourcing based on Kafka Streams to an event-driven system with a database used as a data storage.Mar 23, 20228Mar 23, 20228
InDNA TechnologybyMateusz JadczykEvent sourcing with Kafka StreamsThe goal of this article is to share lessons learnt during creation of a product using Apache Kafka Streams library and based on the…Aug 11, 20211Aug 11, 20211
InTDS ArchivebyZixuan ZhangAce the System Design Interview — Distributed ID Generator1. IntroductionFeb 1, 20227Feb 1, 20227